Community of Innovative Educators

Partnership with teachers to promote innovation

The European Training Foundation is partnering up with innovative educators to discuss, validate and promote innovative teaching and learning, in the Innovative Educators Community.

All participants of the community can learn new innovative teaching approaches and share their experiences.

The most interesting innovations will be selected and educators will be contacted to produce a high-quality learning video called Teacher booster, designed to boost educators capacity to face the challenges of remote learning and raise awareness on the importance of key competences for all learners. 

Also, innovative teaching practices will participate in a competition for Innovative educators that will be launched in 2022. 

The community is organising regular meetings in different languages (English, Russian, Arabic) to discuss the most burning topics relevant to vocational and technical teachers, practical instructors,  school  principals, educational theorists, adult educators, mentors, teacher trainers  and  education solution providers.

By joining the community, you will be able to attend, for example, the event on "Innovation Beyond Digital: STEAM education with creativity in mind" scheduled to take place on 19 November 2021.

The webinar focuses on discussing steaming up already popular Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) education approach with even more wholistic inclusion of Arts - leading to a STEAM concept. During this online event you will be able to learn about the innovative teaching and learning practices (be it digital or not) from the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus and to understand why arts and creativity are important in teaching STEM.

Join the community of Innovative Educators:
The community is hosted on OpenSpace, the ETF's knowledge sharing platform, at this address:  

Background information: 

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